日本Graphene Platform石墨烯膜
为了让国内研究人员有更多样性的选择,Jcnano会陆续推出国际上的同行的产品。此次推出的是日本Graphene Platform石墨烯膜。Graphene Platform是一家日本CVD石墨烯膜生产企业,石墨烯膜的类型和JCNANO类似。最近制备出A4纸大小的石墨烯膜,实力不俗。
About Graphene Platform Inc.
Located in The Woodlands, Texas Graphene Platform Inc. aims to enable graphene and 2D material applications development by providing researchers worldwide with high quality samples and economical thermal CVD, Raman and AFM systems for materials synthesis and analysis. With its own applications lab located in Yokohama, Japan and a global network of researchers at leading institutions in Asia, the US and Europe, Graphene Platform has assembled the process know how to assist its customers in starting 2D material applications development as quickly as possible.
Minium order $100
For orders from $100-250 - shipping and handling $50
From $250-500 - shipping and handling $30
Above $500 - free
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石墨烯系列产品 石墨烯薄膜 石墨类产品 分子筛类产品 碳纳米管和其他纳米管系列 活性炭及介孔碳系列产品 吉仓代理进口产品/国产产品 包装盒类 改性高分子类及其导电添加剂 纳米颗粒/微米颗粒 富勒烯类产品 化学试剂及生物试剂类 MXenes材料 量子点 金刚石类 纳米化合物及稀土氧化物 石墨烯设备及其材料 锂电池导电剂类 外接修饰分子偶联服务 委托开发服务 微电子产品 石墨烯及纳米材料检测业务 石墨烯检测设备 纳米线类/纳米棒类 实验室耗材类 钙钛矿材料(OLED) 导热硅胶片
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