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TITLE: Low-cost scalable production and applications of single-walled carbon nanotubes

SPEAKERS: Prof Mikhail Predtechensky, CTO, & Mr Yuri Koropachinsky, President, OCSiAl Group

The closure by Bayer and Showa Denko of their large-scale facilities for the production of multi-walled CNT (MWCNT) is a benchmark event in the CNT industry. The reason for the scaling down of the production of MWCNT is that, regardless of the low price of MWCNT, their agglomerated form significantly hampers their introduction into the matrix, and what is especially important, in order to achieve similar properties of materials one needs to introduce into the material incomparably higher concentrations of MWCNT, than if one were to use SWCNT. There are two barriers for the broad application of SWCNT – their high price (tens of thousands of $ per kg) and the absence of scalable technologies for their synthesis. In order for industrial applications to become possible their price needs to be reduced to single digit $ per kg, and there have to be reactors producing at least tons of SWCNT per annum. This presentation announces the creation by OCSiAl of a new technology for the production of single wall carbon nanotubes and demonstrates the possibilities for improving the properties of different materials through the addition of such nanotubes. The presentation demonstrates some results of the above-mentioned applications of SWCNT including conductive composites which can be painted electrostatically, flexible transparent conductive film with high transparency and low resistance. lithium-ion batteries with increased power and cycle life, and many others Thus, the mass availability of low cost SWCNT has the potential to cause very significant impact on a variety of industries.

Mikhail Predtechensky is a member of the Board of Directors and one of the founders of OCSiAl, also Chief Technology Officer of the company. He is the author of the technology for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes, implemented by OCSiAl. He also leads R&D projects related to various applications of CNT. Mr Predtechensky is an acknowledged specialist in the areas of the synthesis of nano materials, energetics, mechanics, thermal physics and plasma physics. His key inventions include the plasma-chemical reactor, the solder jet technology, a method of coal preparation, solid oxide fuel cells and others. Mr Predtechensky is a graduate of the Novosibirsk Electro-Technical Institute (Novosibirsk State Technical University). He is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of more than 200 scientific publications and patents.

Yuri Koropachinskiy is one of the founders and Chairman of the Board of OCSiAl, Prior to his business career, Yuri was involved in scientific research in Biophysics, while working for the Siberian branch of Academy of Science of the USSR. 

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