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《Graphene: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications 》石墨烯新书

书名Graphene: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications
作者 Serhii Shafraniuk (Author)

出版社ISBN-13: 978-9814613477
ISBN-10: 9814613479
Graphene is the first example of two-dimensional materials and is the most important growth area of contemporary research. It forms the basis for new nanoelectronic applications. Graphene, which comprises field-effect structures, has remarkable physical properties.

This book focuses on practical applications determined by the unique properties of graphene. Basic concepts are elucidated by end-of-chapter problems, the answers to which are provided in the accompanying solutions manual. The mechanisms of electric and thermal transport in the gated graphene, interface phenomena, quantum dots, non-equilibrium states, scattering and dissipation, as well as coherent transport in graphene junctions are considered in detail in the book. Detailed analyses and comparison between theory and experiments is complemented with a variety of practical examples.

The book has evolved from the author’s own research experience and from his interaction with other scientists at tertiary institutions and is targeted at a wide audience ranging from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to mature researchers and industrial engineers


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